Heidi Jansson


Meet local artist Heidi Jansson!

Q: What inspires you about Bremerton?
A: I have been so in awe with how our community has come together with all that 2020 has thrown our way. We have stepped up in so many ways and held each other through this messy stuff. I have seen small and local businesses take on these challenges and get seriously creative in order to thrive and adapt to so many things out of their control. To me that is inspiring. All of these moments have really deepened my sense of pride for this place that we call home. This energy lights the fire for me to create in new ways, take risks and take a more active role as an artist in the community.

Q: What drew you to your medium?
A: I have a tendency to incorporate many different mediums into my collections and bodies of work. However, my ultimate go to is working with ink and watercolor. I started painting when I was very young and had a fascination with illustrations in books, especially fairy tales like Brother's Grimm. I'm also kind of a unique case of nature versus nurture. I was given up for adoption and found my biological family later in my life. I come from a long line of creatives and artists that paint in almost identical styles as I do.

Q: Where do you find inspiration?
A: I definitely gravitate towards darker aesthetics. I was brought up on German cautionary tales, cryptids & dark fairy tales. I love to find beauty in the strange and unusual and then I will play on that with a twist of fairy-like magic. I try and incorporate both light & dark aspects into whatever it is I create.

Q: What does your perfect First Friday look like?
A: I would hop on the Harley with my husband and take the beach road down to Manette. Then head downtown to peruse the shops and get some food and drinks. I'm obsessed with the mac salad at Kama'Aina Grill and I'm always down for a drink at Horse & Cow. Meeting new artists and running into familiar friendly faces would definitely make for a perfect evening.

Q: Where can we find your art?
A: View my work at @lumen_moon. I am participating in Urban Plant Shop's, Garden Market, happening August 7th as a part of Bremerton First Friday. Come say "Hi!"