Jeffrey Kundinger - Rock Bizarre Gallery

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Jeffrey Kundinger is the artist and sculpture behind Rock Bizarre Gallery.⁠

Q: What drew you to your medium? ⁠
A: A couple of my longtime friends got me into collecting stone by going hiking and Gold claim ownership. I was the first of three to purchase a saw. One cut into the right stone and I was hooked by the inner beauty of Mother Nature's power. ⁠

Q: Where do you find inspiration? ⁠
A: When I am making Jewlery my inspiration starts by the color, size, shape and form of bulk stone. Then I make a sketch of my idea and start cutting. Almost every time my plans change after the first cut - you have to modify your idea as you unlock the beauty in each stone. This is the beginning of creating a piece of art, where a raw product starts to become a finished piece of work.⁠

Q: What does your prefect First Friday look like? ⁠
A: I think my perfect First Friday would be have groups of people strolling through businesses hosting artists in Bremerton. We would be taking in the imagination of artists, such as myself, and enjoying the beauty of Nature. I would have samples of my work for sale so customers could see the striking colors and textures of the stones in my work in person. ⁠

Q: Where can we find more of your art? ⁠
A: @rockbizarregallery and⁠